Don Curtis’s an undisputed expert on multipurpose facilities article. [Oct 25 – Should the arena go ahead) and Bruce Todd’s, infactuations with the LVEC and its “democratic process” seems to embody the division of this communities understanding of a Large Venue Entertainment Project.
The fact is; Kingston’s 5000 seat LVEC on the North Block is one of the smallest in North America.
The “theories” to compare its future prospects to a 100,000 seat mega stadium lacks any legitimate resemblance or aptitude to even construe.
Don Curtis understands the difference!
As a VP and manager of three major multipurpose facilities. The CNE, Ontario Place and Canada’s Wonderland. His hands on expertise and training specifically in multipurpose venues is undeniable.
On the hand, Curtis's nemesis Bruce Todd seems to suggest he is an engineer of sorts, and experienced with such facilities.
Kingston has never experienced an LVEC. (Todd has only worked in this small town.)
For the record though Todd is archetypal traffic analyst (one who conducts studies for traffic signal locations).
Education - he does not specifically say - which is strange. But, he certainly is NOT an engineer of any strip - let alone for LVEC related facilities.
Logistics is also not his strong suit for these facilities either. In fact; when asked what "drayage" is and how it is used with LVEC's - he had no clue.
This is LVEC 101 stuff! The questions only get harder from here......Todd.
He must have worked himself up to middle management position at best - and one wonders after 30 + years, should one not be gaining promotions? Maybe his ego got in the way of politics? and has....
Todd’s article advocates community leaders had no right to form a task force or committee to gather information, investigate facilities and meet directly with LVEC planners and users to find a viable location for a new Memorial Centre. Todd’s principal complaint is “the democratic process” has been undermined with business interests and backroom deals.
Frankly; I cannot see it. - Nor prove it.
And if it does not make sense it’s probably not true!
It is though perfectly reasonable to publicly form a committee of respected and scholarly individuals, or frankly neighborhood groups. Call it as you will but to organize meetings, solicit local interest groups, Government or union chapters for help with a burning issue is prominent in this city as in many.
I can only presume KCAL, and many neighborhood tax or public associations rarely hold a formal vote to form a study committee.
And most cases including the Anglan Bay Task Force committee they are generally
dedicated volunteers receiving no pay and work with little or no resources.
I can only suggest in light of Todd's "infactuations", and Mr. Curtis "determination" with this subject like many of us, communication and open dialogue was warranted.
I although for this project and the communities lack of (historical experience with LVEC’s)
Small town - Kingston has NEVER had one...!!!!
I cannot understand why the City did not have a dedicated “spokesperson”...especially will all the 7 (seven) pent up million + dollar projects that are being finally done - after years of do-nothing!
(Kingston, ON from the 50's have done very little - as a small town.)
Although they "think" they are the capital of the Universe or better than T.O or anywhere!
This spokesperson or go to person: Needed to -
To organize public meetings, field (all) questions, call backs etc. - and through visual presentations and guest speakers from other LVEC communities – most of this "conspiracy theory and antidotal gossip" - remember its a small town - could have been avoided.
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